Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and you should always discuss any health concerns with your doctor. This blog draws on my personal experience and research and the information contained should not substitute advice or directions from your doctor.
This is for anyone who does not know proper protocol for a tonic-clonic seizure.
If You See Someone Having a Seizure
1.) Stay Calm.
2.) Remember that the person is not consciously suffering during the seizure.
3.) Never try to restrain the person
4.) NEVER put anything in the person's mouth.
5.) Turn the person on their right side (left is acceptable if this is not possible), and slightly forward. The tongue cannot be swallowed or choked on, but it can block the person's airway.
6.) If possible, put something under the person's head to prevent injury.
7.) Try to move anything that could cause injury away from the person.
8.) Always time the seizure.
Call 911 if:
1.) the seizure lasts longer than 3 minutes
2.) the person is pregnant
3.) the person has no known history of seizures (if the person is a stranger call 911 if they have no medical alert jewelry)
4.) the person is not breathing for longer than 30 seconds
5.) the person has been injured during the seizure
What to Do After The Seizure
1.) When the person regains consciousness, reassure and comfort them and explain what happened. Remember, although the seizure itself does not hurt, it can hurt after, and can be a very emotional and stressful time.
2.) The person may feel groggy and/or dazed. If the person is a stranger ask if there is anything you can do for them, or anybody you can call.
3.) Stay with the person until they are fully conscious and aware.
4.) If they have to wait for someone to get them offer to stay until somebody arrives.
5.) If you notice that the person is slow to regain full consciousness (longer than 30 mins) call 911
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